
October 26, 2017

Businesses should act now to realise AI’s full potential

While the debate about the opportunities and risks associated with Artificial Intelligence continue, it can be expected to be a situation for firms where they might […]
October 25, 2017

AI can transform Industries

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform and make profits for firms including multinational corporations, startups and government institutions. AI has the potential to deliver […]
October 24, 2017

Artificial Intelligence: The Game Changer

Artificial Intelligence (AI) investments are growing globally dominated by giants such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple and few others. Tech giants spent about $20 billion to […]
October 18, 2017

Indian Pharma: on point of inflection

India’s drugmakers initially walked the easy path by manufacturing low cost copies of the patented drugs. Legally, it was allowed if the production methods “processes” adopted […]